at least that's what 'they' tell me...I turned 40 on Friday and I celebrated by setting the timing systems and timing the
Cougs first official indoor track meet of the 2008 season. I also started classes at
WSU the week before, therefore I just beat my goal of getting back to school by the time I am 40. I am taking two World Civilization classes that are general education requirements in order to get a degree. I think I am the oldest person in either of my classes, instructors included. It's kinda odd to look around the class room and think that I might be older than half these kids parents! But the classes are interesting and challenging, it's
makes for a very busy work week and all, but I am so glad to be back in school.
The snow just keeps coming. Today we were trying to go to Spokane to visit the Build a Bear
Workshop, the kids got gift certs for Christmas, but the 10" of snow that we got put the kibosh on that trip. There was also the small problem of the road to Spokane being closed because of downed power lines. The kids were disappointed, as were Amy and I, but we will make it up there on another day.
For the record, this latest snow fall makes it around 60" (or 5') for the winter at our place. Yikes.