...bonus points if you know where I stole that quote from...
Things have been crazy over here for the last couple of months. I was snowed under with school work,
lots of reading and
lots of papers to write, and then there was the whole thing where Amy and I were coaching the boys soccer team for the spring season. My reintegration into the whole college experience went better than I expected as I got an A- and a B+ out of the two world history classes I was taking. I mean, I knew most of the stuff we covered but I had to re-learn how to put that knowledge down on paper in an understandable and acceptable format. I am in the middle of four weeks off and then I'll start up with Geology 101 at the beginning of June. We all enjoyed coaching/playing soccer this spring, it was a challenge trying to keep seven 5-6 year
olds focused on the tasks at hand but it was fun. The highlight was playing a kids v. parents game in the last practice, all the kids and their siblings loved it. The parents had a good time too.
Other highlights over the last couple of months include;
1 - Celebrating Max's 7
th birthday by letting the kids run around a gym at the old elementary school. That totally brought back memories of Dad taking me and my friends to
Ardmore and letting us have the run of the gym while he graded papers.
2 - Our splash and dash trip to Seattle last week, seeing as many people as we could and getting the kids into the Build A Bear Workshop to spend all the gift cards they had gotten. That was too much fun.
3 - Getting a clean bill of health from my oncologist for the sixth straight year. Whereas I do not worry myself before each time I see Dr. Goodman, it is still always nice to hear that I am fine. Dr. Goodman put it best when he said, '...at this point, these visits are primarily social...' Here's to another year of health!
I'll have another update, with pix and stuff, in the next few days...Days that are going to be over 90 degrees in Pullman!