Good golly, I could have waited longer between postings but then I would have forgotten how to do this...The last six weeks have been a little crazy round these parts, as Amy and I have been coaching both Max and Tycho's soccer teams for the fall season. The first rule of parks and rec soccer is HAVE FUN! In fact, I think that is the only rule. We have had a really good time doing this, this was our second season coaching the boys, and we can't wait for the sping season to come around. In addition to coaching these teams, I have been hip deep in French 101 four days a week as well. My words of wisdom on this...DO NOT wait until you are over 40 to learn a foriegn language...This has been a whole lot harder than I thought it was going to be, fortunately I have a built in tutor in Amy (degree in French from WSU)...Thank heavens for that...

Here are the kids getting down to it at the City PLayfields after one of Tycho's games.

Annika is three! We celebrated at a place called Winger's (think a less polished Red Robin, but that have free popcorn and the kids love that)

Annika says...Hey everybody, I'm three!!