Saturday, July 5, 2008

Random thoughts on a Saturday night

Amy and the kids are up at Priest Lake with her family, I would be there except for the small matter of Geology 101 that I am smack dab in the middle of. I am enjoying the heck out of that class. The subject matter is terribly interesting, the prof is engaging, and the labs challenge me in ways that I have not been challenged in many years. I also enjoy my kids asking about my homework and such, it's kind of funny in a way. With the house being mostly empty, I am focused on getting all the stuff for Lopez ready to go. I got half the garage arranged today and now I need to see what we have and (more importantly) do not have. We have a ton of stuff that will be going with us and our three kids, but it will all be worth it (he says right now) when we are sitting on the beach at Odlin watching the sun go down on that first day.

With the kids away I went and saw Hancock tonight. It was entertaining and also quite unexpected for a super hero movie. It was not an earth shattering cinematic masterpiece, but it was a refreshing escape.

Yeah, Microsoft is pretty high on my list these days. Just before I moved to Pullman, the 360 got the infamous Red Ring of Death. They fixed it, for a fee, and got it back quickly. I was reasonably happy, thinking that now that that's happened I should be scot free. This was a reasonable expectation as they announced an extension of the warranty, a refund for all those that got charged for repairs, all for the folks that had the RRoD. Think again wise guy. I got up yesterday morning and went to put a movie in for the kids (Warner Bros. cartoons for a holiday morning) and, hey look at that, the Red Ring of Death had returned. So, what was going to be a week of fun and not kid friendly gaming at night (after home work and house work and all that) gets dashed upon the hard rocks of reality. I have had the Wii since before it (officially) launched and I have not had a single problem with it. Of course, now that I have said that, watch out. I now that they are like apples and oranges and they don't really compare on a pure hardware basis, but the fact is that I have had to send my 360 in for repairs twice, while in the same time frame all four of my Nintendo DSes and my one Wii have worked without fail for similar numbers of gaming hours. I really like the 360 and the games I have for it, but this reliability rate is not the consumers best friend.

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