Monday, February 25, 2008

Schweitzer Trip 2008

First things first, the two days after I posted those pictures of our house and all the snow, we got another 25" of snow...Crazy...

So here are the pictures from our Schweitzer trip earlier this month. It's funny, but it was on this trip last year that Amy and I decided to make the move to Pullman. One thing this move did, was put within three hours of this awesome ski area. Paul, Karen, and Cooper flew up from Tahoe and Mom flew over from Seattle to join us this year. After the first day of skiing in a marshmallow, the weather turned around and we had a ball. The kids had a ton of fun at KinderKamp, Max and Coop skied together a lot and Tike was ready to join them by the end of the trip. We can't wait for next year, when Annika gets to learn how to ski!

Tike getting used to skiing with his Dad. GO COUGS!

Paul pretending to be an aeroplane

Max catching big air

Coop catching big air

Amy enjoying the view and the weather

Phil enjoying the view of Lake Pend Orielle

Hail, hail, the gang's all here

Skiing takes a lot out of the little fellas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you the same Phil who worked at McDonald's during the late 1980s and once played air guitar while performing as Paul Stanley? If so, please contact me at