Sunday, April 26, 2009

There are days in which this is a struggle

...and I'll call those 'weekdays'...My goal in the near term is to write in this space every couple of days, with random thoughts and what not. Longer term, I would like to write at least a couple hundred words a day here, if for no other reason than to get my creative blood flowing, I have the aspiration of writing a book about my experience with cancer and fatherhood and this might help with that. One thing I have been ruminating on is the veritable twitsplosion we have seen lately. I have a long diatribe/rant fulminating in my brain pan but something about a long online rant about an online phenomenon isn't clicking just yet. We had a good weekend of playing around, soccer, and just being a family.

Amy and I got out to see a movie this afternoon and took in The Soloist. It was an excellent film. The acting was top notch, I have to say that Jamie Foxx walked all over Robert Downey Jr. in their shared scenes. Which is saying something because Mr. Downey Jr. was in very good form in this film. But what stood out to me was the direction and the cinematography. The director took a very good human interest story and made it very visually interesting as well. The movie would have been good with just the actors on screen, but the director made the visuals of LA a big part of the story telling as well. We really enjoyed it and I highly recommend it.

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