Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Rebuilding Day - April 28th

Last weekend was Rebuilding Day for Rebuilding Together Eastside, where they descended on 11 homes from Bothell to Kent and made sure the home owners were warm, safe, and dry.

The kids and I went to the house in our neighborhood that they were working on and it was amazing to watch. There were between 30-40 people there doing everything; painting the interior, building a deck, building a fence, replacing most of the kitchen, and all the flooring. These were all volunteers, who came out to Bothell on a beautiful Saturday to help a family that really needed it.

I spoke to the home owner for a bit and she kept saying that she was waiting to wake up and for the dream to end. It was such a great thing to witness, I am really proud of Amy and all the hard work she has put into this organization.

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