Thursday, June 7, 2007

Quick Hits...

1. Have you seen Google Maps Street View, or Zillows Bird's Eye View? The Google thing is really cool, I hope they are planning a metro/nationwide roll-out. The Zillow deal is also very cool. They are both kind of freaky though, as now we have proof that there are camera everywhere.
2. I rode my bike to work every day this week. This is not very impressive when you consider two things; the commute is a whopping 2.5 miles each way and my friend Chris has ridden to work more often than not for the last 3 years and his commute is 17 miles. Still, I am very happy that I was able to do that.
3. If you read two books this summer; the aforementioned Good Faith by Jane Smiley and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. The Curious Incident is a novel about a mildly autistic boy in England, and it is absolutely amazing. I would also suggest The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon, although it is not for the faint of heat of easily offended, but it is very good.

Thank you and good night.

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