Sunday, June 10, 2007

Not the kind of weekend I was thinking...

...when I left Pullman on Friday morning...

My dad had a very bad weekend and is in the hospital. I spent most of Saturday morning with Scott and Mom taking him to Virginia Mason in Seattle and trying to figure out what is going on. Please keep him in your thoughts, prayers, wishes, etc.

I played keeper for The Wheezers on Sunday in the Championship Game at Summit Playfield in Seattle. We brought all the kids, Gretchen met us there to oversee the mayhem, and they had a blast. For part of the first half, whilst Annika was napping, the boys hung out behind the goal and cheered for me, including Max complementing me for a 'nice catch' when I had to make a 1v1 save on (kind of) break-away. That was pretty funny. So, what was the final, you ask? The Wheezers pulled out a 2-1 victory with an AWESOME goal in the last two minutes of the game. Will crossed it in from the deep left corner and Kelly hammered it home on a one touch that the keeper did not have a chance on. It was really pretty. I was very happy with my play, I had 4-5 pretty good saves and I was hitting the ball well on re-starts and drop kicks. The one goal they got was a beautiful shot from inside the 6-yard box, near post, to just inside the far post. An impossible angle, but she hit the shot REALLY well, I COULD have taken another step towards her but...Amy and I started dating because of playing together on this team and they have been an awesome group of people to play with. Adam, Eric, Lynn, Mark, Erin, Karen, Kelly, Kris, Dina, Kevin, Jim, Susie, Pat, Mike, Tammy...I could go on like this for pages, but they have been a really great group of people to get to know and play with over these last 12 years...Thanks for having us and we will come back to sub when we are in town...

Driving back to Pullman in the dark...alone...First off, I do not like drive at high speeds on two lane roads after dark. Call me quirky, but I don't. So, after the game and visiting Dad in the hospital, I head for Pullman. From Washtucna to Pullman, about 60 miles, it was after sundown and I was tired. I made it but, let me tell you, I am glad there is only two more weeks of the SUPERCOMMUTE left.

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